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If you have ever said one of these 5 things, you are not supporting the women's movement. (Stop

Why don't women run the world already? There is someone standing directly in our way and it's not men, we outsmart them and run circles around them every day of the week. Every smart man knows that. This is not a man bashing article., this is an article about how women bashing each other at every corner is what is hurting us more than anything. If we are all taking the woman's liberation movement and the #metoo movement seriously, we need to start supporting each other. I hate hearing women tear other women down and most women do it on the daily. There is nothing that pisses a hater off more than seeing someone else shine. I will never understand why women hate on other women the way they do. Who is this benefiting? If you see a woman who has worked hard for what she has why do you have to assume that she fucked her way there? I know a lot of you are reading this and thinking, I would never hate on another woman but I bet you are guilty of saying at least one of the following phrases about another woman. Below are 5 phrases and if you have ever said them about any woman, whether you know her or not, you are a hater and part of the problem. I'm going to use America's favorite target of slut-shaming Kim Kardashian as in example with every phrase.

1. She’s only famous because she has a sex tape/She’s successful because of how she looks 2. I hate the sound of her voice 3. She is just not a smart woman 4. She’s a mother and needs to keep her clothes on 5. They are/ she is disgusting

If you have said any of this stuff about any woman, you’re a hater and I can break it down point by point. Yes, I am a fan of the show and if you are not that’s cool, but why do you bash these people? It's not just Kim, I see it all the time on social media, no matter which one of them is doing whatever there is this general consensus that internet bullying is wrong unless you're talking about the Kardashians. Why? Do you talk shit about Alex Trebek because you don’t know all the answers on Jeopardy? No, you just don’t watch the show, and if someone asks you about any other show you don't watch your response would most likely be “I don’t watch that show.” So why is it so different when it’s a show about the real lives of a successful group of women? I am a fan of the show because I envy Kim. Not because of her money, success and her fame, but I envy her for the fact that she has an amazing support system in her life. Can you imagine what your life would be like if you had a supportive family like she does? It's what makes the show awesome to me.

The Keeping Up With the Kardashians Show is the best example of what women can accomplish when they are raised with a strong female role model and support each other in life, love, and business. “She only has what she has because of her dad.” Well so does the president of the united states but that’s just the way this country works, stop being a hater and get over it. Don’t act like if you came from an affluent family that you wouldn’t take advantage of the opportunities that your family's wealth offered you. She started a boutique with her family members, and I'm pretty sure it’s not the first time in history anyone has gone into business with family. So why when you see 3 women running a successful business can't you just say, hey, good for them! Furthermore, why is it okay for women to bash other women. If you have ever said any of the following things about any woman

, you're a hater and you need to quit.

1. She's only famous because of her sex tape/She’s successful because of how she looks

This statement is so silly I don’t get how any smart person can actually believe this. So the sex tape. The first thing I want you to do is without Googling it, tell me the guy that was in this same tape with her. He is the brother of a famous pop singer and has had 3 reality T.V. shows but I bet you cannot remember his name. So if 2 people, from the same tape were given similar opportunities, why is only one of them still relevant today?

It makes me so sad when I see women judging a stupid young girl for making a stupid mistake that young girls make. Women talking about the actions of a 23-year-old woman recording an intimate moment with her boyfriend, calling her a ho. Just because you send your nudes via Snapchat, doesn’t make you a saint, you still sent that shit. You know you’ve sent some naughty pics before, just about everyone has done it. And if you haven't then I feel sorry for you. I love myself and the way my body looks, ESPECIALLY when I was 23 years old. I wish I had pictures of my naked 23-year-old self. I used to work out and eat right, I was looking good at 23. So if you are feeling you look and want to share that with your man, what's wrong with that?

And if someone had nudes of me or you and they were leaked onto the internet no one would care. You wouldn’t become famous overnight because of nude photos or a video, that’s not how it works. Do you know how much porn is on the internet? When nudes that Madonna took before she was famous were leaked her response was “So?”. That is the response most people had to this video. Kim who? I don’t know who that is, no I’ve never seen it nor do I want to. So, explain to me again how this video with 2 people on it made one of them famous but not the other.

Name a famous porn star, ANY famous porn star who is famous for porn. Most women who do porn professionally don’t find that kind of popularity outside of porn circles. Not to mention the fact that the tape was released in the same year the reality show started and the guy on the tape was the bigger star when the tape was released. In 6 months she went from no one to having the longest-running reality show in T.V. history... because of an amateur sex tape. Not because it's a show about a family of successful women. Because of a sex tape. Do you see how "because of a sex tape" strips her down to nothing but a whore and not a smart and entertaining businesswoman and T.V. personality? STOP DOING THIS TO EACH OTHER!

Women are the creators of slut shaming. This culturally accepted action of slut-shaming a woman with confidence in her appearance is what is keeping women down. When I said “you’ve sent some naughty pics before, just about everyone has done it” how many of you said “no way not me”? If you are someone who said they never have and never will, why do you have to judge other women who make different choices than you do? Why are all women expected to act the same while men are free to make any decision they want with very little consequence? Men send dick pics at random and no one slut shames them. That is sexual harassment and it's not right but no matter how good of a girl you are you have received unsolicited dick pics at least once in your life.

There are 2 reasons why men are not shamed for this behavior, A. They don’t judge each other.

B. Dudes support each other even when they disagree.

Name a handful of women who would back you up all the way and not call you a whore behind your back if your privet tape that you made with your man was released to the public 4 years after it was made. THAT IS WHY WOMEN ARE NOT IN CHARGE. We outnumber men but we spend so much time fighting each other over bullshit that doesn't matter that it's 10 times harder for us to be taken seriously and that's why our numbers mean nothing.

2. I hate the sound of her voice

This quote has been said about almost every strong woman I can think of. Most recently I have heard this said about Hilary Clinton when she was running for president. "I didn't vote for her because I don't like the sound of her voice." If you don’t like her for her politics that’s one thing. She was running for President, she wasn’t a contestant on American Idol, so if you don't like her for the sound of her voice, and no other reason, you're part of the problem. When powerful women say powerful things you subconsciously want to find a reason not to listen because you have been conditioned to think that women are not powerful.

Most people will look for and find a reason not to listen and “the sound of her voice” is a very popular response across the board. If you were able to speak to any woman in power in all of history, from Cleopatra to Angela Merkel. (Chancellor of Germany) I’m sure they would tell you that several people have commented on their voice being “annoying” in some way. Too high, too low, too masculine, too feminine etc. This is a silly excuse not to like someone and women need to stop doing it to each other. What if no one listened to Gandhi because he “talks funny”? Don't judge someone on the sound of their voice, judge them on what they have to say.

3. She’s not smart

She’s not smart, compared to who? Business is a very competitive medium and if you do not have the ability to strategize you will fail. Why are women held to this standard of having to be the best at everything to “deserve” what they work for and earn themselves? Why is it so hard for a woman to see another woman succeed and just say, good for her? Today is her day, tomorrow might be yours, don't waste your time and energy hating on another woman's success. Why is it okay to put a woman down because she is successful? In Kim’s case she might not know calculus but she knows how to run a successful business. She’s never claimed bankruptcy, she’s never been accused of ripping anyone off, she's very active with community service and regularly donates to charities, and her businesses turn a profit. By definition, I’d say she is successfully running a business.

There is a difference between book smart and commonsense smart. Intelligence is not only measured by book smarts, knowing how to solve complicated equations won't help you with the common sense issues we all encounter every day. If book smart was the only kind of smart, it makes you smart because you can remember pi to whatever digit but the ability to make a good decision based on your ability to logically think something through is not a measure of intelligence. When someone is successful at something a lot of hard work went into it and women especially need to stop calling each other stupid because of her capacity to retain book knowledge. We are just degrading that person's success and saying they do not deserve it.

4. She's a mother, she needs to keep her clothes on HHHAAATTTTEEEERRRR! Being a mother does not mean that you are not allowed to be you. If you were sexy before your baby came, you can be sexy after the baby comes. A good mother always takes care of her baby first, after that DO YOU! If your kids are taken care of, you can get a babysitter from time to time, take that time for you. Fuck what every hater has to say about you and the way you live your life as long as you are TCB (taking care of business). You want to post a sexy pic in the tub after a 9 hour day and your kids are in bed, DO THAT SHIT!

"What if your kids see that." SO FUCKING WHAT!? I look good, the female body is a beautiful thing, stop sexualizing every naked female. It won't hurt them to see you naked if it's not sexual. "They'll get made fun of" kids make fun of kids for everything. Teach your kids to be confident. If someone makes fun of them for something that they truly don't care about you're child can't be hurt. This might be a little trickier if you have boys but even if you never take a sexy selfie, yo mama jokes will be made about you.

When I am not looking at Kim's butt I think she looks good. I am not a fan of the oversized ass but obviously she is and if that is what makes her happy then more power to her. She is a mother of 2 with no loose skin or stretch marks, GOOD FOR YOU GIRL! My mother and grandmother always told me to flaunt it while you got it because you won’t look this way forever. Kim is 37 years old and she looks great for her age. “Blah, blah, blah, plastic surgery”. AGAIN, if you don’t like plate surgery don’t get it but what is the point on hating on someone because they want to look that way. We live in an age where we are expected to be more accepting of other people’s life choices. If Kim and Khloe want an ass that can be used as a flotation device, that is their business. If you don’t like the way it looks, don’t look but there is no point in trashing a woman for her appearance. NONE! (Yes, I made a joke about their asses but I am not hating on them. I think they are both beautiful girls but even they have to admit their asses are huge.)

5. They are/ She is disgusting

Just because a woman is comfortable talking about every aspect of her life doesn't make her disgusting. I speak freely no matter who is around because that is just who I am. If you think I am disgusting because of how open I am you are entitled to your opinion but so am I. And my opinion of you is you need to lighten up. Stop thinking of women as women and think of them as people. That's what equality is all about right? So if a man can say something in public, why is it so disgusting for a woman to say it? Why is it so disgusting for a woman to live her life freely like men do?

If you have ever watched KUWTK you will notice that this whole family is very very close. To most of us who cannot stand our families it’s a little weird. They do things that most people wouldn’t do with family and talk about things most people wouldn’t talk about with family but that’s because they are friends too. Think about the things you say to your girlfriends when no one else is around. It's like that but they are sisters.

To sum it all up, if you have ever heard yourself talking shit about anyone especially a woman that you don't really know you're a hater. If you regularly talk about women you don't know or talk shit about women you do know, you are what is stopping women from being the dominating force in the world. We outnumber men 3-1 and are mentally equipt to handle things that would make men crumble. The thing that sets us apart from men most of all is our inability to support each other. When I am out with my daughters I make it a point to always say nice things about other women. I love her boots, look at her hair, look at her butt. I was at a restaurant once and told my husband that I thought the waitress was really pretty and he agreed. My oldest daughter says to me, "I think that's cool that you don't freak out when dad says a girl is pretty." I told her "it would be silly and unrealistic of me to expect him not to notice pretty girls. I'm straight and I noticed how pretty this girl is. It's okay for him to look or to compliment someone, just know your boundaries."

If you wouldn't say it to her face, don't say it behind her back.

I used the Kardashian’s as an example because most people have never seen the show and still have an opinion about this family. I use them as an example because they are a great example of the things women can accomplish when they work together and support each other. I get it, not every woman is into makeup and clothes but that’s not at all what this T.V. show is about. It’s about a family of mostly women who make their own rules and do things the way they see fit. Women are notorious for oversharing with our bff’s. Now just imagine your bff is your sister. They have literally known each other their whole life, what is there to be embarrassed about with someone who watched you go through puberty? They share everything because they know their family might not agree with their choices but they will still be loved and accepted despite the disagreement. I envy this family’s ability to share everything with each other but that’s no reason to say “they are disgusting” because they have a loving, open and accepting family dynamic. That really just makes you a hater.

Kris Jenner is a fucking boss and a bad ass, Kim is not famous because of a sex tape, Kim is famous because her mother, her biggest fan, is her manager and Kris Jenner get’s shit done! The woman is a master at her craft and has built a career for all of her children… except Rob, but Rob doesn’t want to put the work in, he just wants the money. My point is if you look at all 3 of the Kardashian girls you will see that they all took the path less traveled. They all did it their way and did it without the support of a man. They are and always have been the boss in their businesses and in their love life. Why is that not something you want to be or teach your children to be?

If you have ever hated on any woman for doing what makes her happy, looking how she wants to look, loving who she wants to love, following a career path that you don’t see a future in you are part of the problem. If women are ever going to overcome this silly stereotype that we are the weaker sex, we are going to need to do a better job at supporting each other.

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