What really Grinds my Gears- Opinions
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, but like some assholes, some of y'all should keep that shit to yourself. There are a lot of things that really grind my gears but I’m going to go off on this one thing that’s been bothering me for a long time and that is FUCK YOUR OPINION IF IT IS NOT BASED ON FACTS. Fact supersedes opinions, period, end of story. If your argument is based on the way you feel you need to pipe the fuck down. Once upon a time, before the interwebs, human beings would only read the opinions of others in newspapers and magazines. The people who wrote such articles and essays usually had some rough understanding of the subject they were writing about. If they were given an assignment to write something they didn’t know about, these individuals would perform a magical ritual called research.
This was in the before time so they had no Google. They were forced to go out into the harsh terrain to get to a place called a Library. A library is a home for books. Books are a physical series of pages bound together by glue. Pages are thin sheets of wood and the pages in the books contained printed word. The state owns these books and they will let you borrow them from time to time, as long as you bring them back in a timely manner. If you didn’t need a lot of time with just one book most people would just stay at the library and quietly read and gather information. The best source for information before Google was a series of books called the encyclopedia.
Encyclopedias were usually a series of 26 volumes or more, each one dedicated to a letter in the alphabet. In each book were short and broad overviews of most recorded information that began with the letter of the alphabet that each volume of the encyclopedia was dedicated to. Example: if you wanted to know about flowers, you would look in the F volume of the encyclopedia. So, this person whose job it was to write their opinions would go and gather information from the library and or sometimes find people who were experts on said subject and talk to them. THEN they would form an opinion based on the information they gathered and write about it.
WHAT THE FUCK HAPPEN? You would think that because information is more readily available on just about every subject out there that people would seek information and then form an opinion. Alas, this is not the case. For whatever reason, it’s really quite the opposite. The majority of the populous is so pampered, sensitive, and overprivileged that they are all walking examples of the Dunning Kruger effect. The more they don’t know about a subject, the angrier and more insistent they are that they are right and YOU are the idiot.
A very good example of these types of people is the pro-life crowd. They call themselves pro-life but they are really just pro-birth. They have no concern about what actually happens to a child that is born unto unprepared parents. They only want for the child to be born at all cost, even in cases of rape and incest or if the child is malformed or if it means death to the mother because pro-life. This is a really easy argument to win with facts, information, and logic but here we are in 2019 still arguing about birth control and Roe V. Wade. Georgia just passed a law that would allow a judge to sentence a woman to life in prison for an abortion after 6 weeks.
It is 2019 and there is a group of people who openly admit and truly believe that the earth is flat. NASA made the whole thing up about the earth being round because… as much research as I have done on these people, I still have not heard a united answer to the question: Why would anyone lie about the shape of the earth? I did read once that someone said NASA is hiding the truth about the Earth being flat because flat earth is hiding god behind it. Yes, that’s right. They think GOD is hiding behind the flat 3000-year-old earth. And honestly, since I’m on the subject, how can anyone believe in god at this point? OOPS, there it goes. There goes all my credibility because I don’t believe in a bearded sadist in the sky who infinitely loves me but fuck all those starving babies in Africa. He watches out for MY group and the rest of you with your other similar gods called something else are unfaithful infidels who will burn in a lake of fire for all eternity because he loves us all equally. Thank GOD you passed that test you studied your ass off for, and thank GOD you didn’t drop your phone in the toilet, but those kids with leukemia must not have been going to church regularly enough, or maybe it was a punishment to the parents, or the devil did that. Everyone always wants to thank god when good shit happens but no one ever points out “gods” shortcomings because he makes no mistakes?
They blame the bad things on a hooved horned guy, created by God. I think his name is Krampus. I HAVE PROOF THAT GOD EXISTS: THE BIBLE. That’s not proof. Harry Potter is a book and there is no such thing as wizards and witches, but the Scientologists are fucking nut jobs. Seriously though, they are. It is 2019 and we are still basing decisions about the way people live their lives on a book written by a bunch of power-hungry businessmen 2000+ years ago. It’s the ultimate and most successful con in all of human history and for that, I salute you.
In short (1000 words later) if you have no knowledge of a subject, PIPE THE FUCK DOWN! It is okay to say; I don’t have an opinion about that because I don’t know anything about that. I was born and raised in Denver, should I be giving surfing tips? Would you take childbirth advice from Caitlin Jenner? So please STFU, pipe the fuck down, plead the 5th or just say you don’t know if you don’t know what you’re talking about. Do a little research and form an opinion based on facts, not just headlines, or just STFU and let it go.