How To Get Out Of The Ghetto (Part 1)
This is a guide to get out of the fucking hood for good. In this blog, I will share with you the secrets to loving yourself enough to want something more out of life. Although a lot of this material is satirical if taken seriously these are proven methods to get yourself out of poverty. By taking any of the mentioned paths below you can rise above the situation you are currently in. Most of these suggestions work best if you are young, probably about 16-18 years old. This will work for anyone of any age but starting out young is always the best way to go. No matter your age one of the most harmful attitudes to have is to expect that anything that is not instantly gratifying is not worth it. Change your attitude from “that’s going to take forever.” to “the sooner I start, the sooner I finish.” Changing your attitude and changing your mind can literally change your world. If you don't like the way your life is going, change it.
Living in poverty sucks and it usually is not something most people can overcome. The hardest part of overcoming poverty is overcoming the way you are treated by the rest of society. I have been poor and the most crippling thing that I had to overcome is the division of classes. I would talk to successful people and NOT ONE OF THEM became successful on their own, yet they are very stingy when it comes to sharing an opportunity with anyone outside of their "class". The biggest difference between the upper and lower classes is the inclusiveness that the upper class has with each other. The lower class is very every man for himself. Rich people love sharing their wealth with people who are equally as wealthy as they are.
Most people with wealth either got it from their family, or a family friend or relative gave them an opportunity to prove them self. Anyone who started with nothing and became wealthy on their own is considered an entrepreneur. When I was younger I would conversate with successful people and when asked what I did for a living I would tell them that I was a waitress and they would look at me like it just told them I had AIDS. As if being a server was some kind of death sentence or horrible affliction.
The successful people I spoke with were always acquaintances of the restaurant owners that I worked for or someone I met through the one well to do friend I had whose family made good and moved away from the hood. They would ask me things like “why don’t you get a friend or family member to hook you up with a better job?” and the answer is because all my friends are broke. I had a habit of following that question up with, “you're successful, why don’t you hook me up?” and it was always responded with laughter as if the very idea was just a joke. Most well to do people do not want to help people unless they are also “well off” because it’s “good business” and can most likely help them out in some way down the line. Helping someone who is not already successful is an act of charity and when you're successful the only reason to be charitable is for tax purposes. "If you're helping someone and expecting something in return you're doing business, not kindness."
I grew up in a part of Denver Colorado referred to as Little Mexico. More drug murders happen in that neighborhood than any other neighborhood in Denver! My father was a warehouse worker and my mother was a stay at home mom until she got a job at a deli when I was 12. I had 2 younger siblings and for the first 12 years of my life, we lived in my grandmother’s basement. I didn’t have a college fund, my parents weren’t homeowners and didn’t rub shoulders with business owners.
When you grow up poor you are conditioned to accept that this is all you are and all you will ever be. I am writing this to tell you it’s possible to be more, unfortunately, you have to work harder than everyone who was born in a nicer part of town. It’s hard but it’s worth it. The most crippling part of being in these circumstances is the obstacles put in your way by a capitalist society. This is not an accident. You cannot remain filthy rich while spreading the wealth. The division of classes is there for a reason . It is a mental handicap that is put in place so that you don't ask for or expect too much of the pie. It’s not fair but the first thing you need to do is accept it. Acceptance is the first step to overcoming bias. It's not fair, but such is life.
The division of classes is not a myth and it’s not a mistake. It's not that people with money do not understand all of the obstacles that you need to overcome to get the same opportunity that is just handed to them to make a living, it's that they don't care. When you grow up in poverty your parent(s) is/are gone all the time at work and too many young people are raising them self and sometimes raising their younger siblings. Or your parent(s) stay home because they can’t afford daycare and or have a substance abuse problem are forever on welfare. When you are young and see this behavior you subconsciously start to accept that this is how the world works. Life in this country is no longer about raising a family, it’s all about consuming shit under the guise that you are providing for a family even though you hardly ever get to see them and they barely know you.
How to get the fuck out the hood. To get out of the hood you need to do at least one of the following things.
• Change your mind • EDUCATE YOURSELF • Get a Job • Be a Goal Digger • Be a Golddigger • Win the lottery • Write a bestselling book or screenplay • Invent something • Become a musician/entertainer • Be a stripper/web model- (learn to invest your money, stay away from drugs and alcohol otherwise yo ass will end up back in the hood) • Become a Professional Athlete • Become Internet famous, be a blogger • Learn a trade
DO NOT sell drugs. The only way that will get you out of the hood is that you will leave the hood to go directly to jail.
DO NOT get married or have babies while still in the hood. If you cannot stay abstinent get on birth control. Yeah, babies are cute but they are expensive and make everything 10x harder than they would be without a baby. Having a baby when you're ready for one is a much better experience than an unexpected pregnancy.
• Some of this shit might work for you if you have a baby but if you’re married and still in the hood: you are married to a worthless hood motherfucker who ain't never going nowhere, and you probably stuck until you lose this foo. Yeah, you love him but if he was worth a shit he would help you get out of the hood.
DO NOT go into debt. • You need to establish credit but the most effective way to do that without going into debt is to use a secure credit card. You put money on it and use it like a debit card. You give them the money up front and make payments like a regular credit card. (We'll go over how to build your credit score later.) DO NOT go to a university unless you get a scholarship. • If you are smart and work hard you can get a scholarship. If you can’t get a scholarship, school probably isn’t your thing anyway. Here is something that no one tells you. College is a scam! Did you know the united states is the only 1st world country that charges its own citizens tuition? Most people who went to college for anything other than being a doctor or a lawyer don’t end up getting a job in their field. They wasted 4 years not working to get an education in a field that is over saturated and end up having to start in a completely different field than what their degree is in and have to start from the bottom in an entry-level position. Any ol’ college degree is not a ticket out of the hood.
Check this out, let me break this down for you.
College Tuition: $125,600 (for 4 years) Interest Rate: @5% $117,128 (5% is pretty low) Total cost: $242,728 (FOR A FUCKING PIECE OF PAPER!!!!)
Going to a university costs as much as buying a house, a really nice house. In certain parts of the country that can buy you a mansion for that much money. Realistically, it will take you 20-30 years to pay that shit off. Do you know how many conversations I’ve had with people who have ridiculously high paying jobs that their dad got them? That's one less job opportunity for someone who went to college to do that job. Don’t go to a university is unless you want to be a doctor or a lawyer otherwise shit ain't worth it. In this day in age, you can learn just about anything for free with YouTube. YouTube that shit and "fake it til you make it". It's the American way.
The only advantage in college is getting the degree. If you skip college and start from the bottom you will advance in those 4 years it would take you to go to college. But you will have something college can't give you, you will have hands-on, on the job training and experience in your desired field. Most people will tell you that’s more valuable than a degree.
Getting out of the hood takes a lot of hard work and dedication but it is possible if you stay focused. Each section listed above will have a featured post with step by step instructions on how to get out of poverty. LET'S MOVE THE FUCK OUT OF THE HOOD FOR GOOD!