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Ultimate Breakup Playlist

If you have never had your heart broken you probably have never been in love. Nothing is better for a broken heart than drowning your sorrows in wine and or weed, chocolate, ice cream, some chick flix and some good tunes by some peeps who have been through what you are going through. Breakups suck and sometimes it's just best to be alone and embrace the pain. The sooner you let it all out the sooner you heal. Whatever you do don't call him! Call anyone but him! Call a friend until they get tired of hearing about how much you hate him. Then call your best friend who will never get tired of hearing you complain about how much you hate him because she probably hates him more. Once you get it all out you can move on. I'm sure you've been listening to the same playlist of broken heart songs for a while now. Here's a few you might want to add if they aren't there already.Just FYI, There are no Adele songs on this list. Adele is a stalker and the songs on this list are all about healing and moving on. Not about obsessing over your ex to the point of "showing up out of the blue uninvited" and "calling 1000 times" from the other side of a restraining order. Don't be that girl. With that being said, here are the ultimate breakup songs in no particular order. Please be sure to share with that girl who really needs to hear this shit now.

1. Mama's broken heart- Miranda Lambert

I'm not a country music fan but this song is an exception for me. Believe it or not this song was shared with me by my mother. It is now one of her karaoke go-to songs. The song is about a breakdown after a breakup and it made me feel that I wasn't alone in my anger. The song is not only super catchy but very emotional. The song is all about the fact that it's okay to just fucking cry. Tears do not make you weak. Sometimes "be strong and keep your head up" is just not good advice. Sometimes putting on a brave face and facing the world after your heart has been stepped on is the hardest thing to do and sometimes you just might not feel like it. In this song you are not alone with saying, fuck it, I'm not hiding "my crazy" and I'm not acting "like a lady" no one can tell me how to feel, and how to deal. Even if you don't like country music do yourself a favor and listen to the words to this song. I think the video really made me love the song more.

Mama's broken heart- Miranda Lambert

2. Me Voy- Julieta Venegas

This song is absolutely beautiful even if you do not speak Spanish. The message of the song is: "I'm better than this, fuck you, I'm out!" After my daughter was born I was staying with my father and we only had antenna T.V. One of the stations we picked up was MTV Tres. I don't speak Spanish but it was better than listening to nothing at all and I fell in love with a lot of songs just listening to this channel. Me Voy was one of those songs. A few years later I posted the song on FB and a Spanish speaking friend of mine asked me if I knew what the song was about. I was going through a hard time and she told me that I should read the translation, that the song mirrored my situation. I read it and I have been in love with Julieta Venega since then. Not only is the song very pretty and quite catchy but it is very empowering and emotionally mature.

Me Voy- Julieta Venega

3.Express Yourself- Madonna

Like most 80's kids Madonna, Michael Jackson and Prince were my hero's. When Madonna came out with Express Yourself in 89 I was completely in awe of the music video. She surpassed Michael for the most expensive music video on this one. He previously held the record for Bad but she topped him with this one. In 1989 I was 7 years old so I had no idea what express yourself meant. I thought it was sexual innuendo like "Like a Virgin". When I got older and bought the Immaculate Collection I fell in love with the song all over again when I realized what she was saying. "You deserve the best in life so if the time isn't right then move on. Second best is never enough, you'll do much better baby on your own." Those lyrics right there are something that you need to think about in every relationship. Always remind yourself of this and always stick by it.

Express Yourself- Madonna

4. Breathe (2 am) Anna Nalick

This is an amazing song that was in a lot of TV shows after its release in 2005 but because of that a lot of you may not remember it. The song is about being honest with yourself about your mistakes. It's about taking responsibility for the things you've done wrong and moving on from the things you can't control. Sometimes accepting a situation for what it is and realizing there is no fixing what's broken and moving on from there is the hardest thing to do. This song puts that emotion into a poetic and beautiful atmosphere.

Breathe (2 am) Anna Nalick

There is an official video but it is not on YouTube for some reason.

5. Irreplaceable- Beyonce

At the beginning of every relationship, we all have a tendency to imagine that the love we feel at the beginning will be forever. It never is and never will be no matter who you meet in your life. I'm not saying love isn't real I'm saying real love evolves. Human beings never stop growing and changing, your love needs to grow and change with both of you or there's no chance. When you are with the right person your love will grow into a mutual respect and admiration, a far deeper connection than romantic love. With the right person on a long enough timeline, you can have the strongest most wonderful love and respect for another person than you have ever known. That is not at all what Irreplaceable is about.

Irreplaceable is a song about a sorry ass man taking advantage of his girlfriend's trust and money. In this particular case because it is boss bitch Beyonce and she is the breadwinner, not only does she get to say you lost me, but she gets to say you lost everything. She kicks this loser to the curb with everything he brought to the relationship: nothing. Like most losers, this asshole thinks that she's the one who is missing out and she reminds him that he ain't shit, and she can have another good-looking man show up right away. "Matter fact, he'll be here in a minute."

Irreplaceable- Beyonce

6. You outta know- Alanis Morriset

You Outta Know is the song any woman that has been cheated on could have written. The song is angry and gritty and therapeutic. Sometimes it's very obvious that you have been "replaced" and that can be a very hard pill to swallow but what are you gonna do? This song embodies the anger of betrayal in a very beautiful way. It is all about having to pick up the shattered pieces of a broken life you built with someone who just leaves. It's a big fat middle finger to the SOB who just left and started over with someone new. The entire album of Jagged Little Pill is beautiful. If you get the chance listen to it in its entirety, but at the very least listen to this one. I can't help but sing it every time it comes on the radio because I have been there.

You outta know- Alanis Morriset

7. Pearl- Katy Perry

Pearl is by far my favorite song on Teenage Dream. Pearl is a song about any girl who has been held back by a significant other that doesn't see her worth. If you are with a guy who doesn't think you're the shit, you need to find a new guy. Pearl is all about realizing your self-worth and not letting anyone take your beautiful and unique soul for granted and the understanding that you are wasting your energy on someone who does not deserve you. There is never any reason that anyone who loves you would ever tell you that you are not good enough. The only reason someone would say this to you is if they know you are too good for them and they want to beat you into submission before you figure out how amazing you really are and leave them.

Pearl- Katy Perry

7. Breaking Point- Kerri Hilson

I do not know what happened to Kerri Hilson, this girl was on fire for a minute there and then she just disappeared. Everyone I share this song with loves it and almost no one had heard it before I shared it with them. It’s an amazing song and I think that most women can relate to the sentiment. Breaking Point is about exactly what you think it would be about based on the title. Some women are loyal to a fault, they just don’t know how to put themselves first, until they reach their breaking point and every woman has one. By the time you push a woman to her breaking point, there is no coming back. Women love hard and with their whole heart but once we’re done, we’re done.

Breaking Point-Keri Hilson

8. The Winner Takes it All- Abba

If you have ever seen Mama Mia, you know this song. I love ABBA and I had never heard this song until Mama Mia. My daughter was watching the movie, she absolutely loves it, and this song came on. I almost broke down in tears because it so vividly described what I was feeling at the time. I had just got out of a very unhealthy relationship and this song just hit me like a dump truck. The song is about loving someone but knowing that they are not right for you and the realization that you have to move on. To own that responsibility, of being the one who walks away is a very hard thing to do but sometimes it's just the right thing to do. Sometimes no matter how much you love someone the best thing to do is sever all ties and move on.

The Winner Takes it All- Abba

9. Sleep to Dream- Fiona Apple

Sleep to dream has a very strong message. Sleep to dream is about not letting the pain of a break up stop you from achieving your dreams. It's about accepting the fact that the relationship didn't go the way you planned but not letting it destroy you. It's about not letting your individual spirit be absorbed by a relationship. Staying true to yourself no matter what and having the courage to just let the wrong one go and focusing on you and what makes you happy. She's basically saying I am not your fool, I know exactly what you are doing and I refuse to be treated this way. I am on my own path and will not allow you to derail my plans with your bullshit. The message is about the refusal to compromise your individuality by losing yourself in a relationship.

Sleep to Dream- Fiona Apple

10. IDGAF- Dua Lipa

I stumbled upon it by accident and just loved it ever since. I listened to a few more songs by Dua Lipa and they all have the same theme. The girl obviously wrote a bunch of her songs after a harsh breakup but this one stuck out to me because she really seems to be sincere when she says that she does not give a fuck. The song is about a cheating asshole who wants a second chance and this is her way of letting him know, it’s not going to happen.

IDGAF- Dua Lipa

11. Truth Hurts- Lizzo

This song is the 2000's version of I Will Survive by Gloria Gainer. It is just essential when making a breakup play list. The song is from 2017 but was re-released in 2019 after it was used in a Netflix movie called Someone Great. I'm sure you have heard this song, if you have not... like what have you been doing with your life, seriously? The song is more about a fuck boy than an actual relationships but obviously Lizzo broke the fuck buddy golden rule and was catchin some feels. Lucky for us she did though because I love this song.

Truth Hurts- Lizzo

12. Dance in the Dark- Lady Gaga

Dance in the Dark is my all time favorite Gaga song. I've been that girl who has to hold it all back as to not disturb my "man's" fragile ego. I once dated a narcissistic dick who went to school to be in broadcasting. When we met in 2008 I was doing my best to build a Youtube audience for my channel. Once he realized that I was getting more attention than he was with out spending all of the money he had wasted so that he could read the weather and traffic on AM radio between 12 & 4 am he did everything he could to make me feel like I was just a whore. He made me feel that me being me was some sort of soft core porn and that I was disrespecting him by merely attempting to have a presents on the internet so I gave it all up for him. This song became my empowerment. When we broke up I took a bunch of videos and pictures I had taken for "his eyes only" and put them in a montage to this song and posted it. He was livid. When we got back together I deleted it. (Don't worry, we broke up again forever) I recently found it again on an old computer and reposted it privately so I could have it forever, I'm sharing it with you now because I am free. <3

Dance in the Dark- Lady Gaga

13. Not Gon' Cry-Mary J. Blige

The song is called Not Gon' Cry but I cry just about every time I hear it. The song was featured on the soundtrack for a movie called Waiting to Exhale in 1996 and it was a classic since day 1. If you have ever given your whole life to a man and helped him become the best version of himself and he bails on you once he gets to the pinnacle that you helped him climb to, then you will really relate and understand where she's coming from in this song.

Not Gon' Cry- Mary J. Blige

14. Nice for What- Drake

My boi Drizzy had to be on the list. I used to talk so much shit about Drake without even knowing any of his music and once I started listening to it I couldn't stop. This one is all about how you don't need to fucking be liked and smile more. It's about an independent woman who has her shit together and doesn't need no man. The song gets extra cool points for featuring a Lauren Hill sample from her song Ex-Factor. If you get a chance listen to this one with some really good headphones or something with a sub-woofer. The bridge in this song BUMPS!

Nice for What- Drake

Thanks for reading this and sharing. Below is a link to my "Bitch Please" play list on Spotify. I listen to it at the gym or when I got shit to do in the house. I hope you enjoy it and I hope this music helps you realize what a bad bitch you really are and that you are better off without a man who doesn't see you for the goddess that you are. Please remember that trauma is not your fault but healing is your responsibility. Take time to heal so that you don't bleed all over people who didn't cut you. 1<3 Please leave a comment if you think there is a song that I missed.

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